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Do You Support the Constitution? Take This Quiz and See

The Constitution provides radically-good solutions, ready to go.

James Anthony
December 10, 2021 

Many people don’t realize how many radically-better [1] ideas we already have in our Constitution [2] if we would just elect people who would support the Constitution.

Let’s change that.

The quiz below considers enough of the Constitution’s radically-better ideas to separate the constitutionalists from the Progressives.

To keep your answers straight and to get your score calculated for you, you can copy this spreadsheet [3] and enter your answers in your copy.

You take this quiz by considering a number of legislative bills. On each, you choose what you would do if you were in the legislature that would consider the bill.

If your actions would support the Constitution more fully, your score will be much higher:



The distance from 50 to 54 (rounded off) is 3.684 [=50^(1/3)]. The distance from 50 to 64 is that factor squared. The distance from 50 to 100 is that factor cubed.

This scaling reflects that if you only vote for a constitutionalist bill, you are supporting the Constitution only if you’re pressed to do so. If you cosponsor such a bill, you are supporting the Constitution only if others lead. If you sponsor these bills, you are supporting the Constitution fully.

Supporting the Constitution requires that you use your constitutional powers against people in government who defy the Constitution [4].

Your overall score will be the average of your scores for each bill.

To take the quiz, determine what actions you would take on these bills:



Each bill would directly secure life, liberty, or property [25], or would prevent crises that strongly impact life, liberty, or property [26].

What about executives [27] and judges [28]? These people need, above all, to support the Constitution through their actions. In this quiz, people’s intentions to take action are measured and weighted strongly.

What about election integrity [29], or invasion [30]? These will be addressed great by people who get the Constitution’s radical ideas right.

What about religious values, families, and civic institutions [31]? Beyond making life, liberty, and property more secure, all that governments can do to help in these areas is to get out of the way.

The overall score separates constitutionalists from Progressives, and identifies the people in each group who would take more of the crucial actions:



Now imagine which actions would be taken on the bills above by various politicians:

  • Energized new candidates for school boards or for local government office, who might aspire to go on to other offices in future years.
  • People thinking about taking advantage of a wave election to win an office.
  • The people who are in various offices now, or who were in various offices recently.

Better yet, just ask these politicians what actions they would take on these bills. If they won’t say, then there’s your answer.

All that’s necessary for evil to win is for good people to do nothing. If people are good for us, they will take the actions we need.


  1. Coolidge, Calvin. “Address at the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.” The American Presidency Project, 5 July 1926, www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/address-the-celebration-the-150th-anniversary-the-declaration-independence-philadelphia. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  2. The Founders’ Constitution. Edited by Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner, 1986, press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  3. Anthony, James. “Constitutionalism Questionnaire.” Live, 13 Nov. 2021, onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=9A4638E75DFAC37D!414176&ithint=file%2cxlsx&wdLOR=c7D21F418-6BED-453C-B0E2-65FB9D10F1B4&authkey=!ADB44pFOoy7hdZg. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  4. Anthony, James. “Conservatism Is Action Conserving and Building Freedom.” rConstitution.us, 17 Sep. 2021, rconstitution.us/conservatism-is-action-conserving-and-building-freedom/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  5. Anthony, James. “What the Lubbock Sanctuary for the Unborn Shows Us.” American Greatness, 11 May 2021, amgreatness.com/2021/05/11/what-the-lubbock-sanctuary-for-the-unborn-shows-us/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  6. Horowitz, Daniel. “20 Ideas to Crush Obamacare and Cure American’s Health Care Crisis.” theBlaze, 8 Mar. 2017, www.theblaze.com/conservative-review/20-ideas-to-crush-obamacare-and-cure-americas-health-care-crisis. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  7. Anthony, James. “rSecession: County-Region Secessions to Form Small-r republican State Governments.” rConstitution.us, 9 Jul. 2021, rconstitution.us/rsecession-county-region-secessions-to-form-small-r-republican-state-governments/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  8. Anthony, James. “If You Won’t Repeal Emergency Powers, You Might Be a RINO.” us, 5 Mar. 2021, rconstitution.us/if-you-wont-repeal-emergency-powers-you-might-be-a-rino/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  9. Anthony, James. “Mass Murder Can Be Reduced.” rConstitution.us, 28 Aug. 2020, rconstitution.us/mass-murder-can-be-reduced-disincentivize-detect-deescalate-limit/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  10. Anthony, James. “COVID Tyranny Should Be Overpowered Using Laws.” rConstitution.us, 15 Jan. 2021, rconstitution.us/covid-tyranny-should-be-overpowered-using-laws/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  11. Rectenwald, Michael. “The Google Election.” Mises Wire, 13 Nov. 2020, mises.org/wire/google-election. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  12. Rockwell, Llewellyn H., Jr. “What If Public Schools Were Abolished?” Mises Daily Articles, 14 July 2020, mises.org/library/what-if-public-schools-were-abolished. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  13. Friday, Lee. “The Problem with Government Licensing Schemes.” Mises Wire, 20 June 2018, mises.org/wire/problem-government-licensing-schemes. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  14. Anthony, James. rConstitution Papers: Offsetting Powers Secure Our Rights. Neuwoehner Press, 2020, pp. 7.1-14.
  15. Natelson, Robert. “The Enumerated Powers of States.” Nevada Law Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Spring 2003, pp. 469-94.
  16. McMaken, Ryan. “The Myth of Infrastructure Spending.” Mises Wire, 13 June 2017, mises.org/wire/myth-infrastructure-spending. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  17. Hutt, W.H. “Trade Unions: The Private Use of Coercive Power.” The Review of Austrian Economics, vol. 3, no. 1, Dec. 1989, pp. 109-20.
  18. Pinera, Jose. “The Success of Chile’s Privatized Social Security.” Cato Policy Report, vol. 18, no. 4, July/Aug. 1995, pp. 1, 10-1.
  19. Reisman, George. “Free-Market Science vs. Government Science.” Mises Wire, 8 Aug. 2006, mises.org/wire/free-market-science-vs-government-science. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  20. Khan, Ali. “The Evolution of Money: A Story of Constitutional Nullification.” University of Cincinnati Law Review, vol. 67, 1999, pp. 393-443.
  21. Polleit, Thorsten. “Government’s Money Monopoly and the ‘Great Reset.’” Mises Wire, 1 Feb. 2021, mises.org/wire/governments-money-monopoly-and-great-reset. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  22. Anthony, James. “George Washington’s Error and the Corruption of Banking.” American Thinker, 22 May 2019, www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/05/george_washingtons_error_and_the_corruption_of_banking.html. Accessed 10 Dec. 2020.
  23. Anthony, James. rConstitution Papers: Offsetting Powers Secure Our Rights. Neuwoehner Press, 2020, pp. 14.1-15.12.
  24. Anthony, James. “Biases Favoring War Are Overcome by Having Good Boundaries.” rConstitution.us, 5 Nov. 2021, rconstitution.us/biases-favoring-war-are-overcome-by-having-good-boundaries/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  25. Anthony, James. “On the Reading of Old Constitutions.” rConstitution.us, 9 Oct. 2021, rconstitution.us/on-the-reading-of-old-constitutions/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  26. Anthony, James. rConstitution Papers: Offsetting Powers Secure Our Rights. Neuwoehner Press, 2020, pp. 18.8-19.
  27. Anthony, James. “The First 1,461 Days of a Constitutionalist President.” rConstitution.us, 8 Jan. 2021, rconstitution.us/the-first-1461-days-of-a-constitutionalist-president/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  28. Anthony, James. “Justice Delayed and Denied.” rConstitution.us, 27 Aug. 2021, rconstitution.us/justice-delayed-and-denied/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  29. Anthony, James. “Zero Tolerance for Election-Manner Violations.” rConstitution.us, 11 Dec. 2020, rconstitution.us/zero-tolerance-for-election-manner-violations/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  30. “Immigration Criteria That Don’t Rig Elections Will Protect Freedom.” WhatWorks.site, whatworks.site/immigration-criteria/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.
  31. Carden, Art. “Economics in Three I’s” Incentives, Institutions, and Intentions.” AIER, 7 Sep. 2021, www.aier.org/article/economics-in-three-is-incentives-institutions-and-intentions/. Accessed 10 Dec. 2021.

James Anthony is the author of The Constitution Needs a Good Party and rConstitution Papers, has written in The Federalist, American Thinker, Foundation for Economic Education, and American Greatness, and publishes rConstitution.us. Mr. Anthony is an experienced chemical engineer with a master’s in mechanical engineering.


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