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The Fed Needs a Single Mandate: Make the Money Quantity ConstantAnthony, James. “The Fed Needs a Single Mandate: Make the Money Quantity Constant.” Daily Caller, 26 May 2023, dailycaller.com/2023/05/26/anthony-the-fed-needs-a-single-mandate-make-the-money-quantity-constant/.  article


  1. Be respectful.
  2. Say what you mean.
    Provide data. Don’t say something’s wrong without providing data. Do explain what’s right and provide data. It’s been said that often differences in opinion between smart people are differences in data, and the guy with the best data wins.  link  But when a writer provides data, the writer and the readers all win. Don’t leave readers guessing unless they go to links or references. 
  3. Credit sources.
    Provide links or references to credit data sources and to offer leads.