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Living through Coronavirus, Living with Coronavirus
Make physical barriers secure using fast testing. Create human barriers by fostering population immunity. Intervene early against infection and against disease. And live normal life.
James Anthony
August 11, 2020
Fellow sovereign individuals, I am here today to work with you on two pressing matters: living through coronavirus, and living with coronavirus.
First, living through coronavirus
The risk of dying from catching SARS-CoV-2 is significantly higher for people who have certain risks [1]:
The biggest risk factor—by far—increases the risk of dying by 180 times:
Four risk factors increase the risk of dying by 2 to 4 times:
Eight risk factors increase the risk of dying by 1 1/2 to 2 times:
In time, many people will have immunity that makes them human barriers to transmission, so everyone’s risk of infection will be very low.
Until people have immunity, for higher-risk people the challenge is to live through this initial time of higher exposure.
The toughest exposure risk is indoor air. Dangerous very-small droplets of SARS-CoV-2 virus remain suspended in air, drift long distances, and build up concentration in indoor spaces [2]. Indoor spaces don’t currently have UV-C systems to destroy SARS-CoV-2 virus [3].
But we can still create manmade barriers to transmission. Our higher-risk people live in nursing homes and private residences, which are ready-to-use manmade barriers. These become protective barriers if higher-risk people and their helpers control access, and if their helpers test themselves.
To protect higher-risk people, their helpers don’t need tests that are sensitive to very-low viral loads that pose very-low risk of infection. Their helpers need tests that are affordable, convenient, and fast [4].
As this government’s chief executive, I will approve these tests. I call on business people to provide these tests, on medical people to encourage this testing, and on everyone to use these tests.
If helpers self-test daily before they leave for work, higher-risk people will be much more likely to live through this initial time.
If you are at higher risk, then also strengthen your immune system:
Help your body fight the infection:
And help your body fight the disease:
Initially, then, when exposure risk is higher, higher-risk people can live through coronavirus using controlled access, fast testing of helpers, sleep, higher body temperature, hydroxychloroquine and zinc, NAC, and dexamethasone.
These are substantial steps that some people can take, but they still leave out a key way that the rest of us can help.
The help that has always mattered most in the past is the help that can be provided by the people who have lower risk.
Second, living with coronavirus
When I mentioned barriers to virus transmission, I started by mentioning human barriers: people who have immunity.
We are going to live with coronavirus, like we have lived with every other infectious disease, for a very-long time.
The best way to live with coronavirus will be the way we’ve lived with every other infectious disease since the 1918 flu: by not leaving the people in any region vulnerable, because worldwide, people develop immunity [14]:
Our higher-risk people are protected best when immunity is developed quickly by everyone who has a lower risk of dying from catching SARS-CoV-2. That’s most people.
Age is the greatest risk factor by far. No other factor comes close. With every decade of age, the risk of dying from catching SARS-CoV-2 goes up by 2 to 3 times. With every two decades of age—or with every one generation of age—this risk goes up more than with any other risk factor. With two generations of age or more, this risk of dying from catching SARS-CoV-2 keeps multiplying even higher. It literally increases exponentially [1].
This is fantastic for people who are younger. Young people from birth through age 24 have died at very-low rates from catching SARS-CoV-2—no more than from catching the current flu [16]. (How many young people have you ever known who have died from the flu?)
But this fantastic news for people who are younger also means that young people can hardly be protected any better when administrators impose virtual classes, masks, distancing, sanitizing, you name it.
Meanwhile these exact actions, imposed on young people who don’t need these protections, make higher-risk people face higher exposure risks. These actions, being taken now, elevate the exposure risks both now and in the future. And the resulting future outbreaks are more likely to catch higher-risk people off-guard. These higher exposure risks get baked in for as long as we don’t build immunity now.
To whatever extent that our current novel actions have increased deaths so far, you could say that this deeply-unfortunate result has all come about by accident, up till now. But now we know better. Now, we must stop going further down this path that’s dead wrong.
We must start not just allowing but positively encouraging people who face lower risks of dying from catching SARS-CoV-2 to start building immunity in our population.
Population immunity protects everyone [16]. It’s working with nature. It’s working with the amazing capabilities of the bodies that God gives us, to protect everyone.
And God doesn’t just leave it to us to fight diseases using our bodies’ defenses alone. He also helps us learn more over time, and build new, helpful practices and medicines.
Like higher-risk people, lower-risk people should make use of sleep, higher body temperature, hydroxychloroquine and zinc, NAC, and dexamethasone.
And like helpers, lower-risk people should use fast testing before visiting higher-risk people, and otherwise should self-isolate from higher-risk people.
Such common sense sounds easy. But common sense often comes only after we first try everything else [17].
Novel actions can create great depressions
Compared to how people have learned to live with infectious diseases in the past, in this latest coronavirus outbreak, people have taken many novel actions. Many have been harmful actions.
We’ve been through cycles like this before, cycles of novel actions, taken with good intentions, that turn out to be exceptionally harmful.
In a key example, starting in 1929, prices temporarily plummeted. By that time, people had seen such deep depressions play out many times before.
One time, starting in 1839, people had lived through an equally-deep depression. Back then, when prices temporarily plummeted, people could see that they temporarily wouldn’t still need their wages to be as high as they had been before the crash, so wages temporarily plummeted too.
Basically, people took action on their own. And it turned out that their individual actions worked great.
This deep 1839 depression ended up lasting four years. Even so, throughout those years, people kept their jobs, kept producing more, and kept living better [18].
What turned the 1929 depression into America’s Great Depression [19] was that government people and business people tried a novel action. This time after prices plummeted, government people and business people decided to keep wages high. They meant well.
But with revenues coming in way lower, while wages were artificially kept high, business people couldn’t pay as many people to work. As a result, people lost their jobs in staggering numbers and then couldn’t find new jobs for many years [20].
On this latest coronavirus outbreak, many government people and business people once again tried novel actions.
Actually, this time such novel actions, taken with good intentions, have been taken not just by people in high-level positions but in total by people in all kinds of positions:
If all these people keep forcing on us novel actions that ignore the lessons learned in the past, and if everyone else keeps going along with these novel actions, then this time a new great depression absolutely is possible.
A new great depression is exactly what we should be expecting to result from such novel actions. The same pattern of hubris, lockstep, and centralized actions that our ancestors fell into is being repeated again now, and by more people than ever. And remember, when even just the people in high-level positions did this in 1939, we know how that turned out.
Well, not this time. Not on my watch.
No one will push our great people into another great depression. Not on my watch.
Not for as long as you elect me to use the powers that we sovereign individuals delegate to this government’s chief executive.
During the initial presumed emergency, the advisors who were immediately on hand were listened to exclusively and were followed rapidly.
But now we have hard data. Now, advisors outside of government, and from around the world, are being listened to. And all advice isn’t anywhere close to equal. Far from it. Some advisors have a far-better understanding of the science, present and past, and have far-better respect for the full range of options that can be worked out by sovereign individuals who remain free.
As this government’s chief executive, I will accept the wisdom from people outside of government and throughout the world, both present and past. I will work with everyone to return to what has worked best throughout our lives and throughout our ancestors’ lives.
God provides us the best defenses against what threatens us.
And we can feel a whole lot better by understanding that in modern times—at all times after the 1917 Spanish Flu—our defenses have been working way better [14].
Our defenses have been working way better precisely because from that time all the way up until our recent novel actions, people have been more-widely exposed to more pathogens worldwide, we’ve used our God-given defenses much-more fully, and these gifts from God work like nothing else.
Today, we will also use the additional medicines and good knowledge we have now, these further gifts from God. Including the medicines and knowledge passed down to us by the people who have gone before us.
We will live through coronavirus, and we will live with coronavirus.
We will live normally, helping people who are at higher risk of dying from catching SARS-CoV-2. Helping them by keeping them separate, and helping them by building up our population immunity.
Together we will each live life that’s good, life that’s normal [21].
On my watch, my fellow sovereign individuals, we will remain free, living full lives.
Thank you, and God bless you all.
James Anthony is a chemical engineer with a master’s in mechanical engineering, and author of The Constitution Needs a Good Party: Good Government Comes from Good Boundaries, and rConstitution Papers: Offsetting Powers Secure Our Rights.